Sample Student Work
All work featured below was created by students from the Design Academy (graphic design) program. The image caption lists the name of the project, the name of the class the work applies and the name of the assignment.
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Special Feature!
The graphic design students at RTI were asked to participate in a special project with the automotive collision students. This district-sponsored project was partnered with the City of Rolla Police Department.
THE PROJECT: Purchase a wrecked police car and have the collision repair students rebuild it in their shop and have the graphic design students design/create a full vehicle wrap to be applied to the entire vehicle.
In the graphic design program, students were provided with a 1/20th-scale template to create their idea of a design for the car. About a week later, the officers and administrators from the school viewed all of the student designs. They collaborated and that is how the current design of the car was developed, pulling design ideas/graphics from many of the student designs and compiling it into one solid design.
Students in both the graphic design and auto collision programs used a Wacom tablet to sign their names on the computer and those signatures were then placed on the layout for the trunk lid design.
The photos you are seeing here are pictures of the car after it was completed.
Click any photo to enlarge it in a separate window.