I'm Angi Yowell and I teach students the art of visual communication. I am passionate about teaching, visual media, typography, and technology. The most rewarding part of teaching graphic design is when the light bulb "turns on" with a student and they finally "get it" - their understanding of conceptual thinking is clear and their creative juices flow automatically! Inspiration and concepts come easy at that point.
Certifications+Certificates = Makin' it real!
Professional Organizations+Circles = Keepin' it real!
Workshops+Conferences = Professional Development
July 2012
Missouri ACTE Conference • Springfield, Missouri
Presenter: Gear Up for SkillsUSA - What your students need to know to compete in Advertising Design, Promotional Bulletin Board, Pin Design, and T-Shirt Design at State and Nationals
Attended: Vinyl Sign Making Contest at SkillsUSA (presented by Chair of State Contest, Deb Zoglmann)
Attended: Photography Contest at SkillsUSA (presented by Chair of State Contest, Dorothy Loges)
Networking: Screen Printing Contest Chair at Skills State and Nationals, Bryan Schafener; networked and mentored new graphics instructors attending conference through NTI program (due to dissolution of state mentoring program).
Program Planner: 2012 Conference; and will be 2013 Conference Program Planner for Graphics Cluster in the MTTA Division of Mo-ACTE
Photographer: Asked to serve in this role during the MTTA business meeting
July 2012
Design Academy Summer Camp • RTI
Organizer and Lead Teacher
40 student mentoring hours; collaboration with RMS art teachers
Camps taught: Intro to Animation; Graphic Design & Vinyl Sign Making; Photography & Photoshop Editing
March 2012
SkillsUSA State Contest • Linn Tech
Chair: T-Shirt Design Contest
Chair: Pin Design Contest
Co-Chair: Advertising Design Contest
Advisor: Promotional Bulletin Board Contest
February 2012
Midwest Educational Technology Conference • St. Charles
Technology Workshops
November 2011
National ACTE Conference • St. Louis
Keynote: Sir Ken Robinson
October 2011
Midwest Instructional Tech Conference (MITC) • Lake of the Ozarks
Co-Presenter with Ralph Sellers: Blended Learning - Success Using Online Course Delivery Methods Roundtabl
September 2011
The WAY and HOW of Differentiating Instruction with Layered Curriculum
Dr. Kathie Nunley • Springfield
July 2011
Missouri ACTE Conference • Springfield, Missouri
Presenter: Math Embedded Credit Projects for Graphic Design
Presenter: How to Teach Graphic Design Students to Think Conceptually
Attended: Digital Photography Workshop by Donna Groves (Vivid Impressions Owner)
July 2011
Design Academy Summer Camp • RTI
Organizer and Lead Teacher
15 student mentoring hours; collaboration with RMS art teachers
June 2011
SkillsUSA Nationals Leadership & Skill Contests • Kansas City
National Education Team Member: Advertising Design Contest
Also served as chaperone for 14 RTI student competitors in attendance!
Advertising Design Post-Secondary Student = 1st Place!
March 2011
SkillsUSA State Contest • Linn Tech
Co-Chair: Advertising Design Contest
Participant: Lead Advisors Meetings & Roundtable
February 2011
Midwest Educational Technology Conference • St. Charles
Technology Workshops
July 2010
Missouri ACTE Conference • Springfield, Missouri
Workshop: Vinyl Cutting Techniques
Workshop: Incorporating Embedded Credit Projects
Roundtable: Mo-SkillsUSA Advertising Design Tech Info Contest Re-Write
July 2010
AutoDesk 3DS Max Training • Star Training Institute • Tulsa
Animation Software Training (3 days)
June 2010
SkillsUSA Nationals Leadership & Skill Contests • Kansas City
National Education Team Member: Advertising Design Contest
Also served as chaperone for 9 RTI student competitors in attendance!
Advertising Design Post-Secondary Student = 5th Place!
March 2010
SkillsUSA State Contest • Linn Tech
Co-Chair: Advertising Design Contest
Participant: Lead Advisors Meetings & Roundtable
July 2009
Missouri ACTE Conference • Springfield, Missouri
Workshop: Textile Printing A-Z (4 hours)
Industry Tour: Transport Graphics (Vinyl Applications & Vehicle Wraps)
July 2009
Creativity in the Classroom • Illinois Institute of Art, Schaumburg
Advanced Applications of Flash: ActionScript 3.0 (6 hours)
Digital Photography: Studio Lighting and Color Management (6 hours)
Flash for Interactivity: Adobe Flash (6 hours)
April 2009
Teacher Lecture Series • Illinois Institute of Art, Schaumburg
Graphic Design Faculty Presentation
Tour of facility and discussion of articulation agreements
All+Work+Play = Makes Angi a creative person
I studied graphic design and marketing at (Southwest) Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri under my adviser and world-renowned designer, Cedomir Kostovic. With the BFA in Design with the Emphasis in Graphic Design, there was no need for a minor. However, I declared an Individualized Minor in Marketing with the Emphasis in Advertising and Promotion because I realized early on that anything designed (regardless for profit or not) would need to be marketed to the specific audience.
I needed to fully understand Marketing and how it worked (completely) in order to become a successful designer. Knowing the entire scope of a project is crucial in planning and implementing the concepts from the very beginning. Since marketing plays a huge role in graphic design, I completed 18 hours of marketing classes (everything from advertising design to personal selling - yes, I know salesman tactics and I can really skew survey results if I wanted!).
Design+Experience = My History
In my senior year in high school I was hired part-time as the secretary for the local newspaper and printing office in my hometown in southwest Missouri. After graduating high school I continued to work at the newspaper office full time for about 2 years, spending all my 'free' moments helping with layout of the paper (trimming, waxing and burnishing!), proofreading, and assisting the pressman in the back with collating, binding, stuffing, and any other labor intense jobs in the printing department. This is where I really was introduced and became knowledgeable of the Mac computer, using Aldus PageMaker (yes, it was owned/called Aldus before it was owned by Adobe!)
Though the computer revolution was starting to take shape in the design industry, the paper was still shot with a big process camera and film was produced and plates were made from the film for the press. I soon enrolled in college in Springfield and was accepted as a graphic design student. (Yep, I typed 'accepted' because at [S]MSU, you have to go through several faculty portfolio reviews in order to declare a major in graphic design!) It was here where I learned how to think conceptually and apply those ideas to communicate visually, under the European influence of my design instructors.
Even though the first years of design school taught me the processes of the manual way of doing layouts, preparing on Bristol board manually marking crop/trim marks and shooting for a PMT for critique, I was also taught the computer-side of design. I learned Photoshop at a very young age (well, Photoshop was very young -- version 2.0 was the latest and greatest at the time!). InDesign wasn't on the scene yet because PageMaker was now owned by Adobe Systems and QuarkXPress was the leading layout software.
During my junior year at (S)MSU, I was employed by Medical Consulting Group as an entry-level graphic designer. Being mentored by my bosses (one was the art director and had previous experience at an ad agency in Dallas, the other was the owner, who was a previous marketing instructor at [S]MSU), I gained extensive experience with clientele identity branding, working with clients in the fields of ophthalmology and cosmetic/aesthetic surgeons across the USA, creating marketing collateral such as patient information brochures, catalogs, logo design/identity, as well as radio and television commercials. I even handled annual advertising budgets for clients and how to 'spend' that money in the most effective manner. This experience was invaluable because I worked closely with a contracted media group who assisted me with traffic and flight schedules for those radio and television spots.
After 3 years of employment with MCG, I relocated to St. Louis and was hired as a graphic designer for the St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission (CVC) where I was responsible for designing marketing materials for the CVC in an effort to promote tourism to the city of St. Louis. A year later I married my husband and we relocated to Rolla.
I was hired as a Communications Specialist (public relations and graphic designer) at Missouri S&T (previously known as University of Missouri-Rolla) for the civil, architectural and environmental engineering department. My primary responsiblities at the university included marketing and public relations of the department, along with maintenance of the department's website and the biannual newsletter.
In 2003 I opened Angi Yowell Design Co, LLC and soon left MS&T to operate the company on a full-time basis. In the summer of 2007, though my business was still booming, I wanted to teach design. I went back to MSU to work on getting a teaching degree. Coincidentally, this was the same time the graphic design teaching position at RTI opened up and I applied for the position.
Initially when I moved to Rolla I was asked to be a board member on RTI's graphic design program advisory committee. I was also asked to serve as the proctor for the Missouri State SkillsUSA Advertising Design contest. I held both positions until I was hired as the instructor at RTI. I now co-chair the SkillsUSA state contest and am also actively involved on the national level with SkillsUSA serving on the National Education Team for the Advertising Design contest.
Design+Portfolio = Some great visual eye candy!
Is that redundant (visual eye?)... I don't think so, but I'm not 100% certain! Past projects include identity branding, overall concept & logo development, printed literature and brochures, promotional displays, website designs, posters, radio and television advertisements. Several design projects can be seen online at angiyowell.
Local design projects also include:
Accomplishments+Achievements = Additional braggin' rights!
During the summer of 2011, I hosted a pilot for an idea to market the Design Academy to middle school and junior high students to allow them to come in and simply "play" in the lab at RTI. The Design Academy Summer Camp 2011 was a huge success! This relationship marketing strategy has now developed numerous summer camp ideas for several programs at RTI/RTC. Students that attended the camp were offered first opportunity to sign up for the Design Academy, to hold their slot when they enter as 9th graders. |
In May 2011, my banner design was selected as the graphic image to celebrate the City of Rolla's 150th Anniversary. The design was also printed on posters, flyers, newspaper advertisements and t-shirts to promote the celebration. Mayor Bill Jenks presented a plaque to honor the design during a special recognition ceremony for the event at The Centre in May. At the ceremony, the design was also 'printed' on a cake that was served during the event. Later, I was presented with one of the banners to hang in the classroom to use as a teaching tool for vinyl banners. |
Additionally, the Rolla VIPS Police Car project in April 2011 was under my direction with my students designing the entire vehicle wrap. THE PROJECT:Purchase a wrecked police car and have the collision repair students rebuild it in their shop and have the graphic design students design/create a full vehicle wrap to be applied to the entire vehicle. The result of the project was a collaboration of about 7 graphic design students' design ideas with one student being chosen to piece the designs together. Additional images for this vehicle and the complete story about the project can be found in the Gallery section of this website. |
Leadership+Skills = National Winners!
I am a very active teacher with regards to our student organization, SkillsUSA. In 2009, I attended Nationals for the first time. RTI took 3 students to Nationals that year. Two of those students were mine! The next year (2010), RTI had 9 students attend & compete at Nationals - 4 of the 9 were my students! In 2011, RTI had 13 students attend & compete at Nationals - 4 of those students were my students.
At the 2011 National Contest, my student competed in the SkillsUSA National Advertising Design Competition. She took the GOLD medal, placing 1st in the nation in the competition. One of her many prizes included a full year's tuition to the Art Institute of her choice! I also had a promotional bulletin board team that consisted of 3 students that competed and they placed 6th.
In 2010, I had a student compete at the national level in the advertising design contest, placing 5th; a 3D animation team of 2 students that placed 8th; and another student competed in the prepared speech contest and also placed 8th.
In 2009, I took a team of 2 in promotional bulletin board to SkillsUSA Nationals and they placed 8th. That same year RTI's drafting student placed 3rd, taking the bronze medal.
My students are the ones who worked hard. I just offered guidance and helped them stay "somewhat" organized and on track! The best part about preparing for contest is that it gives the students a real-world experience of what it is like working against a deadline. And, when you reach that deadline, it's showtime! Your piece has to be spot-on, flawless. There were many nights we were in the lab at school late in the evening so they could finish up their projects for contest. Fun times! And, if you asked those students today what they remember and enjoyed the most about SkillsUSA contests, they will more than likely tell you the hard work they put in at the school after hours working on their projects getting them to perfection